Coffee and tea

There are indications that both coffee and tea can have positive health effects. No demonstrable negative effects are observed in healthy people who drink around 4 cups of coffee daily.

Coffee contains many different components which may have a positive impact on health. The most well known of these is caffeine, which is also found to a lesser extent in tea .

Coffee/tea and your health

There are a number of health effects associated with drinking coffee and tea regularly.

Coffee and tea reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s

Studies have shown that coffee reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. This effect can probably be attributed to the caffeine it contains.

Caffeine is not only found in coffee, but also (to a lesser extent) in tea. The protective effects are no longer proven if more than 5 cups of coffee are drunk per day.

Coffee and tea reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease

Studies have shown that coffee reduces the risk of developing Parkinson’s. This effect can probably be attributed to the caffeine it contains.

Caffeine is not only found in coffee, but also (to a lesser extent) in tea.

Coffee and tea reduce the risk of a stroke

Drinking between 2 and 4 cups of filtered coffee each day reduces the risk of a stroke by 10%. Unfiltered coffee, however, contains cafestol and kahweol, which increase LDL cholesterol. As a consequence, unfiltered coffee actually increases the risk of a stroke.

Besides coffee, black and green teas also have a protective effect. These lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure. You may be able to lower the risk of a stroke by drinking a number of cups of coffee and tea each day.

Coffee and tea reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Drinking between 2 and 4 cups of filtered coffee each day reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 10%. Unfiltered coffee, however, contains cafestol and kahweol, which increase LDL cholesterol. As a consequence, unfiltered coffee actually increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Besides coffee, black and green teas also have a protective effect. These lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure. You may be able to lower the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by drinking a number of cups of coffee and tea each day.

Coffee and tea reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

Studies have shown that a high coffee consumption (whether containing caffeine or free of caffeine) reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Drinking five cups of coffee per day is associated with a significantly lower risk. Daily consumption of more than 5 cups of coffee does not offer any additional protective effect.

Black and green teas also reduce the risk of diabetes; drink at least four cups of tea per day to lower the risk by 15%.

Coffee reduces the risk of liver cancer

Drinking coffee reduces the risk of developing liver cancer. Several substances in the coffee appear to play a role in this. Although the precise effect is still unclear, it seems that genes that cause inflammation are inhibited, certain enzymes are activated and damaged DNA recovers more effectively.

iGene Passport

iGene offers you an insight into your personal risks of developing conditions and tells you whether drinking coffee and tea may be particularly important for you to help prevent certain conditions. In addition, an iGene Passport provides you with information on what else you can do to reduce any risks. Here we focus on behaviour that will help you maximise the benefits to your health. In the publication below you can read more about what iGene can do for you.

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